Expedice Monte Bů...

No a včera už jsme museli domů. Že by se nám teda chtělo, to ani náhodou. Jednak to tu bylo fajn, druhak cestovat v tom horku vlakem neni žádnej med...
Ale aby nám to nebylo líto a abychom jsme si ještě něco užili, vzal nás Maťo na hady...Teda na Hády, do lomu. Vlastně je to kousek ztama, co bydlí, je to i vidět...
Velkej lom, několikapatrovej, spousta krásnejch výhledů tam je. A nádherný skály. Dole jezírko, dokonce se tam i někdo koupal...Ale my s sebou měli něco úpa nejvíc nejlepšího! Dron!...
Než jsem se rozkoukal, už jsem byl v podvěsu a Maťo mě vozil po vejškách. Tyjo, to bylo božííí!!! Pěkně to teda fičelo, to jo, ale ten zážitek! A navíc jsem si moh zaletět pozdravit pár dětí, co šly okolo. Sice koukaly trochu vyjeveně, když se na ně z oblohy snes bzučící tygr, ale pak se začaly smát a mávaly...
Zkusili jsme pak i řídit a to bylo taky super. A šlo nám to. Teda mně...
Pytlák to pak to...
No...Prostě Pytlák. To naučíš i opice lítat líp...
Ale naštěstí se nic strašnýho nestalo, jen vrtulka a trocha hlíny v motoru. Ten rozpláclej brouk už tam ležel...
A kdo ví, třeba vezmou Pytláka ke kamikaze...
Well, we had to go home yesterday. Must say we wouldn´t to do that. On the one hand, it was nice there, on the other hand, traveling by train in this heat is not funny...But in order not to be sad and to have some more fun, Maťo took us on a snake...
Oh,... to the Hády quarry. Actually, it's a few kilometres from where he lives, also you can see it...
A large, multi-storey quarry, there are many beautiful views there. And beautiful rocks. A pond below, someone even bathed there...But we had the best thing with us! The drone!...
Before I looked around, I was already in the undercarriage and Maťo was driving me around. Wau, that was divine!!! It was little bit windy, yes, but the experience! And in addition, I was able to fly over to say hello to few children who were walking by. Although they looked a little apprehensive when a buzzing tiger descended on them from the sky, but then they started laughing and waving...Then we tried to drive and that was also great. And we did it.
Ehm,... me...But Pytlák then...
Well...Just Pytlák. You can even teach monkeys to fly better...
But luckily nothing terrible happened, just the propeller has gone and some dirt in the engine. That squashed bug was already there...And who knows, maybe Pytlák become a kamikaze pilot...