Lítací prkna...

Ahojky a dobrej večír, kamarádi!...
Dneska jsme nelítali. Teda v balónu. Zato mě kluci vzali na lítací prkna. Že prej "Po stopách Jetyho"...
Je to švanda, ale asi bych to sám nezvlád a někde bych sebou lupnul do sněhu. Budem to pak doma muset nějak s Pytlákem a Romanem potrénovat...
Jo a sednul jsem si do rolbičky...
Hi and good evening, friends!...
We didn't fly today. I mean, in a balloon. Instead, boys took me on flying planks. They said "Trail of Yetty´s footsteps"...
It's funny, but I probably wouldn't be able to do it myself and would end up in the snow somewhere. I'll have to practice it somehow with Pytlák and Roman when I be back home...
Well,... and I sat into the snow cat...