Lítání se smečkou...

Ahoj, kamarádi, trošku jsem se odmlčel. Ale tak,... i tygr potřebuje někdy oraz, no ne? Hodit tlapku přes tlapku, natáhnout se, dát si kousek antilopy a kakao...
No ale, aby to nevypadalo, neflákali jsme se. a i teď už jsme zase na cestě, protože potřebujeme s pár kamarádama něco domluvit a vyřídit. Ale zatím neprozradím...
Roman už minule psal, jak jsme byli lítat na 737-Bejdžingu, že jo? No ale, musim to napsat taky. Jednak proto, že to bylo úžasný a jako dovopravdy,... dokonce se to hejbalo!!! Druhak proto, že jsme se tam sešli super smečka a strejda pilot Jarda, když zjistil, že to jsme my, tak s ním byla tuze legrace. Mohli jsme se koukat, jak to všechno zná a umí, Mára si to navíc vyzkoušel. Takže mazec! A pak spousta fotek, i společný, dokonce mi pak strejda napsal do logbooku, že jsme tam byli...Vůbec se nám nechtělo domů...
A to jsem ještě dostal od Terezky tygřounský korálky! Wrrrrau! Takový nemá ani sestra Madlenka...
Hello friends, I took a little break. But hey, even a tiger needs a rest sometimes, right? Throw a paw over a paw, stretch, have a piece of antelope and cocoa...
Well, as it seems like, we weren't slacking off. And even now we are on the road again, because we need to arrange something with few friends. But I won't reveal it yet...
Roman already wrote last time how we were flying in 737-Beijing, right? Well, I have to write it too. First, because it was amazing and so real... and even it has been moving!!! At second, because a super pack of us met there and uncle Jarda the pilot, when he found out that it was us, has been so funny. We could watch how he knows all and knows how to do it, Mára also tried it out. Bad-ass! And then lots of photos, including selfies together, and uncle even wrote in my logbook that we were there...
We didn't want to go home at all...
And I also got tiger beads from Terezka! Wrrrrrrau! Even sister Madlenka doesn't have one...