Máky pro Míšu...

No ale pak ty máčky, žejo. Jeli jsme teda přes půl Prahy, krtkem, tramvají i pidibusem, pak ještě chvilku šli do kopce. Nad hlavou nám lítaly letadla, jen nebyly moc vidět, protože mraky. A nakonec jsme ten hřbitov našli...
A Pytlák mi prozradil konečně, proč tu jsme. Máčky z Milovic a Mžan jsme totiž nesli Míše. Škoda, že jen sem, mohla to bejt super kámoška. Mohli jsme si spolu užít spoustu srandy. Ach jo...
Ještě jsme pak chvilku koukali na ostatní hrobečky, tyjo,... tady ale spí spousta statečnejch lidí. Nikdy na ně nezapomenu...
Tak a hurá domu, už je pěkná zima a za chvíli bude tma...
But then poppies, right? We went through half of Prague, by mole, tram and little bus, then we went uphill for a while. Planes were flying overhead, but they weren't very visible because of the clouds. And finally we found the cemetery...
And Pytlák finally told me why we were here. We were carrying something to Míša, poppies from Milovice and Mžany. It's a shame that we only came here, she could have been a great friend. We could have had a lot of fun together. Oh...
Then we looked at other graves for a while,.. uh-oh... but there are a lot of brave people sleeping here. I'll never forget them...
But now let's go home, it's already pretty cold and it'll be dark soon...