Mám Olinááááááá!...

Kluci mě včera nenechali ani pořádně vyspat. Sotva jsme se vrátili ze země věčnýho ledu, kde i dneska v létě je v průměru krásnejch -24°C, už jsme jeli do Plzně...
Za kamarádem Dádou, o tom už kluci psali...
No ale už neřekli, že jsme si ještě i potom užili na letišti spoustu srandy. A potkali kamarády! A než jsme se s Dádou vrátili na základnu a zaparkovali Sokola do hangáru, oni mezitím kuli další pikle...
Po prohlídce muzea odjel Dáda se ségrou a rodičema domů a my se přesunuli na druhej konec letiště. Chystala se tam na start (už asi třetí nebo čtvrtej) krásná velká Andula. A kolem ní byli skokani se šnuptychlama. A mezi nima i kamarádka Daniela, se kterou jsme spolu skákali v Dubaji a potakli se i v Ústí na tý slávě...
Než jsem se nadál, už to bručelo a Andulka stoupala do nebes. Kluci piloti mě vzali do kabiny, abych moh řídit. No jo, ale nahoře Daniela přišla a jestli si chci s ní skočit. Odmítli byste to?
Pytlák a Roman to ale nevěděli, takže když jsme se pak k nim snášeli, mával jsem tlapkama a kvičel a Daniela křičela: "Mám Olináááááá! Já mám Olináááááá!!!"...
A ŽUCH na žíněnku! Tyjo, my se trefili na prostředek! Dobře my!!!
Boys didn't even let me sleep properly yesterday. We have barely returned from the land of eternal ice, where even today in summer it is a beautiful -24°C on average, we have already gone to Plzen...
To my friend Dada, guys already wrote about it...
But they didn't say that we had a lot of fun at the airport even after that. And that we met some friends! And before Dada and I returned to the base and parked our Sokol in the hangar, they were making a plot against me in the meantime...
After visiting the museum Dada went home with his sister and parents, and we moved to the other end of the airport. The beautiful big Andula was about to start there (already about third or fourth time today). And around it were jumpers with hankies. And among them also my friend Daniela, with whom we jumped together in Dubai and also met in Ústí at the celebration...
Before I knew it, it was humming and the Annie was soaring into the heavens. Pilots took me into the cockpit so I could drive. Well, yeah, but Daniela came upstairs and if I want to jump with her. Would you refuse it?
Pytlák and Roman didn't know that, so when we swooped down to them, I waved my paws and squealed, and Daniela screamed: "I have Oliiiiiiiiin! Olin is with meeeeeeeee!!!"...
And BUF! on the mat! Wau, we hit the spot! How great we are!!!