Na Blaníku...

Se musim pochlubit. I v neděli jsme si nakonec se vzduchem hráli na honěnou. A měl jsem tentokrát premiéru i já!...
Verča mě vzala na letiště a svezla mě dvakrát na Blaníku! No,... motor to sice nemá,... on by mu ani neslušel,... ale sviští si to ve vzduchu tuze nádherně! A když nás táhnul naviják, letěli jsme nahoru jak raketa!...
P.S.: Byl tam s náma strejda Marek a říkal, že to Verče docela jde a asi z ní teda ten pilot jednou bude. Motor jí ale radši dávat nebudou...
I have to boast something. Even on Sunday we were playing the tag with the air at last. And this time I had a premiere too!...
Verča took me to the airport and drove me twice on Blaník! Well,... it doesn't have an engine,... it wouldn't even suit it... but it whizzes through the air beautifully! And when the winch pulled us, we flew up like a rocket!...
P.S.: Uncle Marek was there with us and he said that Verča is doing quite well and that she will probably be the pilot one day. But they'd rather not give her the engine...