Na limošku ke hvězdám...

Ahojky, kamarádi moji! Víte, že je v Praze kavárna, která se jmenuje "Ke hvězdám"? Teda, správně Ad Astra, ale to je přece to samý. A je to tam tůůůůze pěkný!...
Dneska jsme tam byli, s Pytlákem a Vaškem. Já na super limču, kluci na utopence, dort a kafe. No, strašná kombinace teda. Ale když jim to chutná...
A já něco vim! Něco se chystá, byli jsme to tam domlouvat. Ale zatím nic neprozradím, páč to bude přeqápko!...
Hello, my friends! Do you know there is a cafe in Prague called "To the Stars"? I mean, Ad Astra, but it's the same I mean. And it's very nice there!...
We were there today, with Pytlák and Vašek. Me for a super lime, boys for pickled sausage, cake and coffee. Well, a terrible combination. But if they like it...
And I know something! Something is in process, we were there to arrange it. But I won't reveal anything yet, because it will be a surprise!...