Na skok do Kbel...

Kluci, to vám to ještě nestačilo? Kam to ještě jedeme?...
Jé, hele,... MiG! Jednadváca! Aha, my jsme v muzeu!...
No jo, je to tak. Den se musí využít naplno. Ale nešli jsme na prohlídku, to počkáme, až bude teplo. Měli jsme ještě jednu nejvíc poslední dneska schůzku, se strejdou Mirkem, kterej to u šéfuje...
I jemu jsme vezli kalendář a taky jsme mu chtěli poděkovat, že nám pořád pomáhá. I s dětma, i třeba v muzeu v Bezděkově...
No ale, když si kluci povídali, já se přeci jen rozhlíd. Má totiž v kanceláři krásný modely a medaile. A plyšovýho kámoše. Sranda, je to pták a chrochtá holandsky. Ale rozuměli jsme si...
Nakonec jsme ale nakoukli všichni, aspoň dolů do dílny. Maj tam rozebraný krásný malý letadýlka a jeden opravdickej starej trenažér. Pecka mu říkaj! Podobnej tomu, co na něm za války trénovali RAFáci kabrňáci, i tomu, co budeme mít v muzeu u nás...
Hele, kluci, ale já už fakt nemůžu dneska, chce se mi spát...
Guys, isn't that enough for us today? Where else are we going?
Hey, look,... MiG! Twentyoner! Ah, we are in a museum!...
Well, that's right. The day must be used to the fullest. But we didn't go for a tour, we wait for it until it's warm. We had one more last meeting today, with uncle Mirek, who is the boss here...
We took the calendar for him too and also wanted to thank him for always helping us. Even with children, even in the museum in Bezděkov...
Well, while guys were talking, I just looked around. He has beautiful kits and medals in his office. And a plush friend. Funny, it's a bird and grunts in Dutch. But we understood each other...
In the end, we glanced at least down into the assembling shop. They have nice little disassembled airplanes and one real old trainer there. Call him Pecka! Similar to what the RAF great guys trained on during the war, and what we will have in our museum...
Hey guys, I´m really dead tired today, I want to sleep...