Noc pod hvězdama...

Tyjo, děcka,... já vim, že už asi spíte, no ale napsat to musim...
Ležíme s Pytlákem na louce ve spacákách. Naproti nám ve tmě hrad Kašperk. A nad hlavou strááášně moc hvězdiček...
Já je teda moc neznám, ale Pytlák mi je ukazuje. Támhle je Velkej a Malej vůz. Támhle Labuť, Orel a Delfín. Kasijopea...To teda prej jsou všechno souhvězdí, takový obrázky z hvězd...
Jé, tybrďo, teď támhle něco strašně rychle proletělo... Meteorit prej... Ale vypadalo to bombově...
On zná i nějaký hvězdy, bych řek. Prej Andromeda, Alderaban, Sirius... A ta prej patří pejskům...
A vlkům taky?...
A jak se teda jmenuje támhke ten flíček? Plejády? Hmmm...
A támhle ta, co tak hodně svítí, to prej ale není hvěz... Počkej, jak to?... Planeta? Aha... A jak se jmenuje?...
Jo,... támhle je Jupiter. A ty puntíky u něj jsou jeho měsíce. A proč my máme jenom jeden a on tolik? To nepla...
Támhle to je prej Saturn a ten kolem sebe má kolečko...
Teda, v tom aby se tygr vyznal...
Hele ale... Támhle něco chrastí...
A ttámhle houká...
Hey, kids,... I know you're probably sleeping, but I have to write this...
We are lying with Pytlák in the meadow in sleeping bags. On the opposite hill in the dark is Kašperk Castle. And soooo many stars above my head...
I don't know them very well, but Pytlák shows them to me. Over there is the Big Dipper and Small Dipper. Over there are Swan, Eagle and Dolphin. Cassiopeia...These all are constellations, he said, pictures from stars...
Oh my gosh, something just flew by really fast over there... Meteorite... But it looked cool...
He also knows some stars, I would say. Andromeda, Alderaban, Sirius... And that one, he said, belongs to dogs...
And wolves too?
And what is the name of that spot over there? The Pleiades? Hmmm...
And the one over there that shines so brightly isn't a star at all... Wait, how?... A planet? Oh... And what's his name?...
Yeah... that's Jupiter over there. And those polka dots with him are his months. And why do we only have one and he has so many? It doesn´t apply...
That's Saturn over there and it has a wheel around it...
I mean, it´s strange for tigers...
Look... There's something rattling over there...
And over there it's hooting...
I'm afraid...