Povídání se strejdou Ivošem...

No a páč už jsem doma, mamka chrní a Pytlák si posílá v práci mašinky, tak se ještě vrátím k tomu, co jsem nestih napsat...
Ve čtvrtek jsme totiž byli zase na besedě. A tentokrát povídal strejda Ivoš o generálovi Hessovi. Byl to RAFák kabrňák! A co toho zažil!!! Navíc strejda Ivoš, krom toho, že toho spoustu ví a umí krásně povídat, tak má i mraky fotek a filmů. A o to to bylo zajímavější...
A nakonec byla i sranda. Na večeři se od sebe s Pytlákem otočili a ještě se tvářili, jakože to je moje a jestli se mi na to jídlo jen podíváš, kousnu Tě. Cha, cháááá! A to jsou to lidi...
Well, I'm home now, mom is sleeping and Pytlák is playing with puff-puffs at work, so I get back to what I didn't have time to write...
On Thursday we had another discussion. And this time uncle Ivoš was talking about General Hess. He was a RAF great guy! And what a lot he experienced!!! Moreover, uncle Ivoš, besides knowing a lot and knows to talk beautifully, also has tons of photos and films. And that made it even more interesting...
And in the end we had a lot of fun. At dinner, he and Pytlák turned away from each other and even looked like it was mine and if you just look at my food, I'll bite you. Ha, haaaa! And these are the people...