S kamarády vojáky...

Kamarádi, věřili byste, že jsem prospal dneska celej den?...
(pozn. Pytlák: No, tak doufám, že nebudeš v noci strašit...)
Včera jsem s klukama vyrazil do Náchoda na velkou akci na letišti. Všude plno vojáků, transportérů, aut,... ale hlavně,... HLAVNĚ!!! Kamarádi piloti! Vrtulníci! Moje modrá Dvacetčtyřka s Tygrem!!! Sokol! Mi-stojednasedmdesátka!!!...
A všemu velel můj kamarád, nejvíc největší tygr a šéf všech pilotů, strejda Petr!...
Hej, to byl mazec! Jirka a Cvalda mě dokonce svezli!...
Zablbli jsme si i s dětma, což byla děsná sranda. Akorát budu muset dát kombinézu a padák asi do pračky. No ale díky dětem jsem se seznámil i s Leopoldem. Kamarád tygr, co má taky rád letadla a co ho děti učej...
Jen teda, zůstali jsme až pozdě do večera, ještě jsme si pak povídali s panem starostou a s ostatníma kamarádama se pak bavili v hangáru na party...
Což bylo super. Ale ještě víc super, ouplně nejvíc hodně, byl ten start vrtulníku v noci! Tyjo, to je mazec!!!
My friends, would you believe that I slept the whole day today?...
(P. S. Pytlak: Well, I hope you won't awake all the night...)
Yesterday I went to Náchod with boys for a big event at the airport. Everywhere many soldiers, transporters, cars,... but mainly,... MAINLY!!! Piltos, my friends! Helicopters! My blue "Twenty-four" with Tiger!!! Sokol! Mi-one seven one!!!...
And everything was commanded by my friend, the biggest tiger and the boss of all pilots, uncle Petr!...
Hey, that was a hoot! Jirka and Cvalda even gave me a ride!...
We also played with kids aroun, it was so funny. But I'll probably have to put the overall and the parachute in the washing machine. Well, thanks to children, I also got to know Leopold. Friend tiger, who also likes airplanes and what children teach him...
It's just that, we stayed until late evening, then we talked with the mayor of Nachod and then had fun with other friends in the hangar at a party...
Which was great. But even more great, the most amazing thing, was the helicopter´s take off at night! Wau, fantastic!!!