Saluti dall'Italia...

Ciao amici, saluti da zia Kačka e altri dalla bella Italia...
Ahoj, kamarádi, zdravíme s tetou Kačkou a ostatníma z krásný Itošky!...
Teta Kačka mě vzala s sebou. Myslel jsem si teda, že jedeme jen na výlet, ale jsme tu na kongresu! Chvíli mi trvalo, než jsem pochopil, co to vůbec je. Ale prostě se tu sešlo spousta lidí z celýho světa a debatujeme s nima o kosmíru. Matylda bude za chvilku povídat o projektu Sirius. No,... není to ale vůbec o sýru. To by se psalo asi Sýrijus...Zkrátka a dobře. Něco velkýho se chystá a teta Kačka to má na povel...
Teda, jen nevím. Nepřehnala to s tím plukovníkem trochu? Já vim, ona se v tom vyzná. Konec konců, ona je taky plukovník, žejo (Nebo plukovníčka?...), tak se v tom vyzná. Ale...Zas takovej bouchač ještě nejsem, na to si musím počkat. Jako ona třeba. Nebo jako strejda Dablvendy, strejda Olin Pelčák, Vláďa Remek a tak...Těšte se na další zprávy, je to tady boží!...
P. S.: A vůbec nedávaj do špaget kečup. Ani antilopy. Csss...
P.S.2.: Zdravíme všechny děcka v Český republice. Hlavně ty z mojí Tygří(kový) letky v Milovicích!...
Ciao amici, saluti da zia Kačka e altri dalla bella Italia...
Hello, friends, greetings from aunt Kačka and others from beautiful Italia!...
Aunt Kačka took me with there. So I thought we were just going on a trip, but here we are at a congress! It took me a while to understand what it even was. But it's just that a lot of people from all over the world have gathered here and we're debating with them about the cosmos. Matilda will talk about the Sirius project in a moment. Well... it's not about the cheese at all. It should probably be spelled Chees-e-use...
In short and well. Something big is about to happen and aunt Kačka is in charge...
But just don't know. Hadn't she gone a bit overboard with the colonel rank? I know, she knows it. After all, she's a colonel too, right (Or coloneles?...), so she knows her way around. But...I'm not just a master yet, I'll have to wait for that. Like her for example. Or like uncle Doublewendy, uncle Olin Pelčák, Vláďa Remek and so on...
Stay tuned for more news, it's great here!...
P.S.: They don't put ketchup in spaghetti at all. Not even antelopes. Tsss...
P.S.2: Lots of greetings to all children in Czech Repuclic. Especially my School Tiger Cub Squadron in Milovice!...