U Tygříků...

Tak jsme dneska s Pytlákem zase byli ve škole za Tygříkama. A strávili s nima celou jednu vyučovací hodinu. Pravda, moc se toho díky nám dneska nenaučili, hlavně jsme si povídali a odpovídali dětem na dotazy. A taky zjišťovali, co by chtěly vědět od kosmoplavce, se kterým se večer uvidíme...
Nakonec, než jsme se vydali do Liberce, dostali od nás Malí Tygříci dárek. Tu knížku o mojí cestě kolem světa s Ericem...
Tyjo, dokonce to od nás chtěly děcka podepsat!...
So today Pytlák and I were at school again with our Little Tigers. And spent an entire lesson with them. It´s true, that they didn't learn much thanks to us today, we mainly talked and answered the children's questions. And were also finding out what they would like to know from the astronaut we were going to see in the evening...
Finally, before we left to Liberec, Little Tigers received a present from us. That book about my trip around the world with Eric...
Wau, kids even wanted us to sign it!...