V televízi s ČAPkama...

Ahojky. Tak právě začalo Dobrý ráno na Český televizi. Koukejte, možná tam budu s ČAPkama...
Tak co, koukali jste? Já to teda budu muset skouknout doma ze záznamu, protože ve studiu to vypadlo určitě ouplně jinak než v telce. Ale byla to zábava...
S Danou a Bárou jsme si povídali na místě, Rosi a Anička mluvily přes televizi z dálky, protože lítaj...
Navíc tam byl historickej voják od Napoleóna a pani, co vyrábí kostýmy, pani doktorka a její kolegyně, co pomáhaj nemocnejm, hrála nám tam krásně kapela...
A strejda kuchař mi dal ochutnat kousek škeble a chňápadlo z chobotnice. A to ůůůbec nebylo marný...
No a když jsme skončili, byl čas i na prohlídku kamery a studia...Jen teda,... Dančo,... říct o mně, že jsem plyšovej ovlivník... Já Ti nevim. Asi Ti ukousnu za trest klíčenku...
Hi. The Good morning with Czech TV just started. Watch it, maybe I be there with ČAP girls...
So, did you watch us? I have to do it at home from the recording, because in the studio it definitely turned out completely different than on TV. But it was funny...
We talked with Dana and Bára at the scene, Rosi and Anička talked in the TV from a distance, because they were flying...
In addition, there was a historical soldier from Napoleon and the lady who makes costumes, a lady doctor and her colleagues who help to sick people, a band played beautifully for us...
And uncle the chef gave me a piece of seashell and octopus tentacle to taste. And that wasn't bad at all...
And when we finished, it was time to take a look at the camera and tour the studio...
But... Danča,... saying that I'm a plush influencer... I don't know. I'll probably bite your key chain as punishment...