Velkej výlet...

Dobrý ráno ještě z pelíšku. Dneska se mi vůbec nechce vstávat. Po tom náročným včerejšku...
Udělali jsme si totiž velkej výlet s Jackvézem. Do Bezděkova do muzea, navštívit tetu Martinu a strejdu Frankieho. Ukázat Jackvézovi muzeum a popovídat mu o všem, co tu je zajímavýho. A taky ho naučit lítat na simulátoru. No ale,... to on uměl a sakra dobře!...
Zajeli jsme se podívat i na Macerku na letiště. Chtěli jsme si prohlídnou Delfínka a MiGouška, co tam strejda Radek s ostatníma opravujou a dávaj dohromady. Tyjo a ono tam bylo spousta kamarádů! Aby taky ne, když Velkej Venda slavil svátek. A Radek přirozeniny! A všichni dohromady i státní svátek. To bylo slávy!...Jen škoda, že jsme museli tak brzo odjet...
Mimochodem, opravdu můžou strejdovi Martinovi přistávat na hlavě vrtulníky?...
Ale bylo to potřeba odjet, protože nás ještě čekal výstup na Ranou. Tam už to znám přece, byli jsme tam spolu s Míšou a Pytlákem. A jsem tam poprvé skákal na padáku...
I dneska tam spousta lidí lítalo a další na ně koukali zespod i shora z vrcholku. A tam to bylo opravdicky super! Kolem lítaly i větroně z letiště pod kopcem. A kluci říkali, že to jsou hodně starý letadla! Historický!...
Hele a to i támhle ta zelená moucha s vrtulí za zádama? Co? To je strejda Lukáš? Dyk jsme ho viděli před chvilkou na Macerce! To je ovšem borec!!!...
Tyjo, to byl ale super den. Olin být šťastný...
Good morning from bed. Today I don't want to get up at all. After the strenuous yesterday...
We took a big trip with Jackvéz. To Bezděkov to the museum, to visit aunt Martina and uncle Frankie. To show to Jackvéz the museum and tell him about everything interesting here. And also teach him to fly on the simulator. Well,... he could do that and damn well!...
We also went to see the Macerka airport. We wanted to see Delfin and Miggie, which uncle Radek and the others are repairing and putting together. Wau, there were a lot of friends there! The Big Wendy was celebrating his name holiday. And Radek his birthday! And all together the national holiday of St. Wenceslas. That was glorious!...It's just a shame we had to leave so soon...
By the way, can helicopters really land on uncle Martin's head?...
But it was necessary to go because we still had to climb the Rana hill. I already know it there, we were there together with Míša and Pytlák. And I went skydiving there for the first time...Even today many people were flying there and others were looking at them from below and from above from the top. And it was really great there! Gliders from the airport under the hill were also flying around. And guys said that these are very old planes! Historical!...
Look, and that green fly over there with the propeller behind its back? What? Is that uncle Lukas? We saw him a while ago on Macerka! That's a crackerjack though!!!...
Wau, it was a great day. Olin is happy...