Vojenský můzeum...

Byli jsme dneska u babi a dědy na Žižkově. No a pak cestou mě vzal Pytlák do muzea na Vítkov. Teda, škoda, že nemoh Roman s náma. A taky že strejda Pavel už byl pryč. Protože to bylo fákt super!...
Je to tam úžasný! Nádherný výstavky o našich kabrňákách, i o těch prevítech, co proti nim bojovali. Dokonce jsem tam našel i spoustu letadel! A poznal jsem je!!! Velouše, lavočku, halifaxe, delfínka, patnáctku i devětadvacítku...
Nakonec jsme si prošli úplně nejvíc nejnovější období. A tam našli i některý naše kamarády - Regiho a Macka. Byli to fajn kluci, jen škoda, že jsem je nepoznal. Zašli bysme na antilopu a pokecali...
Málem nás v muzeu zavřeli, protože už byl večer! Ale ten hodnej strejda u pokladny říkal, že zas máme přijít...
We visited grandma and grandpa at Žižkov today. And then on the way home Pytlák took me to the Army museum at Vítkov. I mean, it's a shame that Roman couldn't be with us. And also that uncle Pavel was already gone. Because it was really great!...
It's amazing there! A wonderful exhibitions about our great guys, and about bastards who fought against them. I even found a lot of airplanes there! And I recognized them!!! Wimpy, lavochka, halifax, dolphin, MiGs fifteen and twenty-nine...
Finally, we went through the most recent period. And there we also found some of our friends - Regi and Macek. They were great guys, it's just a shame I didn't get to know them. We would go to the antelope and talk...
We were almost locked up in the museum because it was already evening! But the nice uncle at the cash register said that we should come again...