Za kamarádkama ČAPkama...

Uf, tak už jsme doma. Bylo to dramatický, snížek, led, vlakům se moc nechtělo...
Jó,... kdyby měly křídla...
Mohly by pak třeba za holkama ČAPkama a ty by je naučily lítat...
My za nima byli dneska večer. Na Ruzyni v CATC, tam, co se trénujou piloti i letušky. Potkal jsem tam i pár kámošek, tak jsme si i trochu zablbli. Jo a někdo nás vůbec neviděl, jak se fotíme a vůbec nás nepustil do kabiny...
Prostě super setkání. Jen doufám, že všichni dojeli domů v pořádku...
Phew, we're home now. It was dramatic, snow, ice, trains didn't like it so much...
Well... if they had wings...
They could then, for example, go to ČAP girls and they would teach them how to fly...
We were with them this evening. In CATC at Ruzyně, where pilots and flight attendants are trained. I also met few friends there, so we made some fun. Oh, and someone didn't even see us taking pictures and didn't even let us into the cabin...
Just a great meeting. But just hope everyone got home safely...